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Guodian Beilun Power Station

The Guodian Beilun Power Station is a coal-fired power station in Beilun District, Ningbo with an installed capacity of 5,000 MW. It is the 4th largest thermal power plant in China, and the 7th largest coal-fired power station in the world. It is the first power station in Zhejiang Province to surplus the 1,000 MW capacity, and the first power generation enterprise in China to receive financial support from the World Bank. The power plant has a desulfurization rate of 95.5% whilst the dust removal is 99.8% efficient. The power plant also has its own coal wharf catered for 100,000 tonne ships. The Guodian Beilun Power Station has consistently upgraded its facilities to continuously accommodate the increasing power demands whilst meeting the stringent government policies.

Ningbo Solid Waste Disposal Industrial Park

Ningbo Solid Waste Disposal Industrial Park is one of the first resource recycling bases in China. The industrial park covers an area of 60 acres with three waste-to-energy facilities: (1) kitchen waste disposal plant, (2) food waste disposal plant and (3) municipal solid waste incineration plant. Operated by the Ningbo Kaicheng Food Waste Disposal Co., Ltd, the plant has a daily capacity of 600 tonnes of food waste and 60 tonnes of waste oil to produce 60,000 m3 of biogas and 12 tonnes of oil. The treatment procedures include waste pre-treatment, anaerobic fermentation and biogas purification with auxiliary processes like biogas residue dewatering and odor treatment. The waste incineration plant operated by Mingzhou Environmental Energy Co., Ltd is the largest municipal solid waste incineration project in Ningbo with a processing capacity of 2,250 tonnes per day. This project has received the Luban Award – the most prestigious award in constructional engineering. The state-of-the-art facility features super low emission and deindustrialization design. The incinerator is equipped with a ‘seven-stage’ flue gas treatment to ensure emission level is well below both EU and national standards, particularly with the dioxin emission level averaging around 1/8 that of EU standard. The Ningbo Solid Waste Disposal Industrial Park plays a vital role in the city’s waste management, classification and recovery for energy purposes, and thus accelerating towards carbon neutrality targets of Ningbo.


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