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Please register via the online registration system at: .

Registration fee covers the conference registration, conference materials, lunch, coffee/tea break and banquet. Please note the CEN2022 is a hybrid conference, so the registration fees for physical and virtual attendees are different.


On and before
April 15

April 15


Full Delegate *

450 USD(Physical)/250 USD(Virtual)

550 USD(Physical)/350 USD(Virtual)

700 USD(Physical)

Student **

300 USD(Physical)/200 USD(Virtual)

400 USD(Physical)/300 USD(Virtual)

650 USD(Physical)

Accompany Person ***

150 USD(Physical)

* A registered author is only allowed to present one paper (including oral presentation or poster presentation).
** Full time student (not including post doctor) MUST provide proof of full-time status (copy of valid student ID card or letter from affiliated institution head or program director)
*** The accompanying person is not allowed to submit papers nor attend the conference sessions. The fee only covers lunches and the conference banquet.

To include the paper in the conference program and the conference proceedings, one of the authors has to register before the registration deadline.

For delegates wishing to register onsite, a confirmation letter with signature is required to be sent to before the online registration deadline.

Cancellation and Refund
Cancellations received by secretariat in writing will be accepted. Refund with remittance charge deducted will be processed after the conference. The refund policy is given as below:


On or Before
April 7

April 7


75% refund

No refund









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